“Very well organised. All the family loved it!”
“The show was full of fun, nice music and the children really enjoyed it. Hopefully more will be organised.”
“Perfect show for both kids and adults who have a kid in them! ”
“Absolutely brilliant. I think it’s the best show I’ve ever taken my son too. Duration not too long to loose kids’s interest, the cast kept eye contact constantly, we could understand every single word they said or sang, and the fact the studio was small, we felt like we were part of it.”
“Brillanti! L-aqwa xow li qatt rajt bit-tfal bhala udjenza! Prezentaturi b’talent kbir, li jzommuk imsahhar. Bravi! M’hemmx kelma ohra. Kitba bil-Malti mill-isbah, li turi s-sbuhija tal-lingwa Maltija! Qatt ma nixba infahharkom. Bravu lill-kittieb ta’ dawn il-poeziji! Xi nghidu dwar il-ktieb… Fost l-isbah bill-lingwa Maltija”
Jessica Zahra
“Lots of fun and instruments. The ideal duration for a young child”
“Show was interesting both for kids and grown-ups. The three performers were formidable!! Bravi!!. The music , performance and most of all clarity in what they were saying! Il-lingwa Maltija preżentata hekk lit-tfal hija x’ħaġa pożittiva ħafna! ”
“We loved it, enjoyed the energy and the whole performance thank you”
Elisa & Ruth
“The Maltese own and original answer to ‘Alice in Wonderland’ – just as mad and it even rhymes! You needed the right performers and direction to make it work and so you did! A big well done! You need a lifetime of preparation to fill each of the three morphing roles – multi-talented in acting, singing and playing musical instruments. It was much better than I expected. My intention was to have my 7 year old son experience theatre in Maltese but I enjoyed it myself. So did my son who gave it a 9.5/10! ”
“Excellent from start to finish! ”
“It’s great to watch a show completely in maltese! Very engaging, and diverse with different performances (singing, acting, music, dancing)”
“It was a great show. My son truly enjoyed the poems that he read in the book “appearing live” in front of his eyes. At moments, he got the attention of the actors/singers so much that he was was following literally every step that they were doing. It was a nice combination of Maltese children literature with music and acting. More shows like this should be done more often. It will help children to grow up loving more both the theatre and the literature. ”
“Bravi hafna 👏👏 hemm bzonn iktar bhal Dawn halli nhajru t tfal taghna ikunu artisti bravi bhalkhom.
40 year old parents and 5 year old xx”
“Bravi bravi bravi!!! Hats off to all involved in this production! What a beautiful way to preserve our Maltese language whilst also giving a space to children’s theatre! ”
“Biċċa teatru tal-ġenn! Spettaklu ta’ kant, żfin, mużika u rreċtar mill-aqwa, mfassal fi storja ħelwa. Grazzi u prosit. Għadna nkantaw paramm paramm sa llejla!
Joseph & Francesco
“It was SIMPLY AMAZING! an original composition, with a really fun storyline, accompanied by delightfully composed music, delivered by three endlessly talented performers!!! This should definitely be set up again soon so more people can visit! Our 6 and 1 year old sons enjoyed every minute!!! ”
“We were amazed by the ideas how the story was presented by the 3 talented performer. The songs were lively, memorable and kids and parents both could enjoy it to the fullest♡ Great opportunity even for schools to take classes to see this educative play.”
“Me and my sister loved it so much and cannot wait for their next show!!”
“The show was fantastic! All the performers taking part were excellent. I enjoyed singing along and dancing during the show.”
“We really enjoyed it. Especially the end song. :)”